CS396: Winter 2022

Intro to Web Development

CS396: Winter 2022

Schedule > Intro to HTML & CSS

Week 2: Mon, Jan 10
Exercise Files

In today’s lesson, we will go over HTML & CSS. Both are declarative languages that have an extensive vocabulary. Both take time to master. If your goal is to become a strong web developer, it’s worth spending some time learning some of the fundamental constructs for each language. While there are higher-level frameworks that abstract aspects of these languages, debugging “vanilla” HTML & CSS is inevitable and unavoidable. Please complete the following readings / video tutorials:


Lecture Video(s)


1. Review

2. HTML: Semantic Tags

3. CSS

4. Games for learning CSS Grid and Flexbox

CSS Grid and Flexbox are learned best through example. That said, these games will help you learn what the key properties of each layout paradigm, and are worth the investment: