CS396: Winter 2022

Intro to Web Development

CS396: Winter 2022

Assignments > Lab 4. REST APIs

Due on Fri, 01/28 @ 11:59PM. 5 Points.

Overview / Set Up

In today’s lab, you’re going to get starter with your homework by going through the first three sections of Homework 3:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting everything up
  3. Background readings and concepts

This will involve practicing some SQL Alchemy queries, and working with some API endpoints using Postman.

Coding Tasks

When you’ve finished parts 1-3, you will modify the /api/posts route for the GET method (which is only partially implemented). Specifically, you will:

  1. Ensure that only the posts that the user has access to are returned. A user may have read access to a post if:
    • They created the post themselves.
    • They are following a user who created the post.
  2. Ensure that the limit paramter is honored. Furthermore, if it is invalid, an appropriate message should be returned to the user.


There are a few helper functions in views/__init__.py that may help you with security:

That said, feel free to do it your own way!

What to turn in

Please upload the views/posts.py file to Canvas when you’ve completed the tasks above.