CS396: Winter 2022

Intro to Web Development

CS396: Winter 2022

Assignments > Lab 2. Setting Up Python & Flask

Due on Fri, 01/14 @ 11:59PM. 5 Points.

1. Intro to Flask

Flask is a framework, built with Python, for helping people build dynamic, scalable web applications. We have selected Flask as our web server engine for this quarter because it has a relatively simple set of common abstractions, and is therefore easier to learn than some other frameworks. At the same time, it is also very powerful, and has features such as:

In addition, since Flask is written in Python, you have access to any and all Python libraries (e.g., for connecting to various databases, taking advantage of pretrained models, and so forth).

Most frameworks have abstractions similar to those offered by Flask, so once you learn Flask, learning new server-side web frameworks will be easier. Some other web frameworks that are analagous to Flask (that you may have heard of) include:

Python Flask, Django, Web2Py, Pyramid, etc.
Node.js Express, etc.
PHP Larvel, Symfony, etc.
Ruby Rails, etc.
Java Spring, Struts, etc.

2. Background Readings

3. Set Up

If you haven’t used Python before, please download and install it: https://www.python.org/downloads/.

Once Python is installed, download lab02.zip (below), unzip it, and move your lab02 folder inside of your webdev-labs folder.


Your directory structure should look like this. Note that your git repository should be in the root of your webdev-labs directory:

├── .git
├── lab01
│   ├── exercise01
│   └── exercise02
└── lab02
    ├── .gitignore
    ├── Procfile
    ├── app.py
    ├── helpers
    ├── requirements.txt
    ├── static
    └── templates

Using Terminal (Mac), GitBash (Windows), or the Command Prompt (Windows) to navigate to your lab02 folder. Then, install the Python dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt    # install dependencies

If that doesn’t work (usually on Windows), try:

py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# or one of these:
# python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

If you downloaded lab02.zip before 6:30PM Wednesday

Sarah forgot to add the requests module to requirements.txt, so you’ll have to install it manually from the command line: pip3 install requests

When you’re done, try running your flask app from your command line:

Mac or Linux

# set environment variables (you just have to do this once per session)
export FLASK_APP=app.py     
export FLASK_ENV=development

# then run flask (type Ctrl+C to quit)
flask run


# set environment variables (you just have to do this once per session)
set FLASK_APP=app.py
set FLASK_ENV=development

# then run flask (type Ctrl+C to quit)
flask run
# alternative commands to try if "flask run" doesn't work:
# py -m flask run
# python3 -m flask run
# python -m flask run

You should see the following output:

 * Serving Flask app "app.py" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: development
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 273-580-071

Navigate to, and you should see a screen that says “Hello World!”

FAQs / Troubleshooting

Sarah will keep adding FAQs to this section. Some known issues:

  1. As mentioned above, Sarah forgot to include the requests module in the original requirements.txt installation file. If you downloaded the code before 6:30PM on Wednesday you’ll have to install it manually (or else you can re-download the starter files): pip3 install requests
  2. If you are using windows and you can’t start flask using the flask run command, try: python -m flask run

4. Required Flask Exercises

Please complete the following exercises to get a sense of the kinds of things you can do with Flask:

1. Display personalized greeting

Update the exercise1 function so that it returns a personalized greeting to the user. In other words, replace “Hello World!” with something like, “Hi Erick!”

2. Merge with a template

The exercise2 function uses a template to generate its response. Specifically, python reads in the templates/quote-of-the-day.html file, finds any python expressions (represented by curly braces), evaluates them, and finally sends a “plain” HTML file back to the client:

def exercise2():
    return render_template(

Open the templates/quote-of-the-day.html file and examine how the Jinja template allows python logic to be evaluated from within the HTML template (using double curly brace notation). Note that in order to give your template access to data, it must be passed into the render_template function as a keyword argument (from app.py). You may pass in as many keyword arguments (i.e. pieces of data) as you like into the template. These pieces of data are often referred to as the template’s “context.”

Your Task

Please make the following modifications:

  1. In app.py, add another context variable, called quote that holds a randomly selected quote from the quotes list (see ~line 17). Consider using the built-in random.choice function.
  2. In templates/quote-of-the-day.html, update the template so that the quote of the day is displayed.

3. Accessing data from other servers

Servers can also be clients that issue requests to other servers (the thing doing the “asking” is usually referred to as the client). In other words, your Flask server can query data from other servers (using HTTP or other protocols) and then make use of that data in their own way. The exercise3 function queries a proxy server that Sarah made (https://www.apitutor.org) for accessing Yelp (and other providers). In this example, we are querying Yelp for restaurants that match a location and search term:

def exercise3():
    search_term = 'pizza'
    city = 'Evanston, Il'
    url = 'https://www.apitutor.org/yelp/simple/v3/businesses/search?location={0}&term={1}'.format(city, search_term)
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    pprint(data) # for debugging -- prints the result to the command line
    return json.dumps(data)

Note that the /restaurant-data route returns a JSON string (instead of an HTML string).

Your Task

You are going to make this route more customizable by replacing the code shown above with this code:

def exercise3(city='Evanston, IL', search_term=''):
    url = 'https://www.apitutor.org/yelp/simple/v3/businesses/search?location={0}&term={1}'.format(city, search_term)
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    pprint(data) # for debugging -- prints the result to the command line
    return json.dumps(data)

The code above allows function arguments to be passed into the Yelp query based on the route. After making the changes above, test your new routes by experimenting with the following URLs:

Feel free to replace the cities and search terms with your own! Basic takeaway: you can allow your user to pass data into your functions via the URL.

4. Create a data-driven template

Now, you’re going to create a data-driven template to display information about the “Top Restaurant” (according to Yelp) that matches your search criteria. Consider the following code:

def exercise4(city='Evanston, IL', search_term=''):
    url = 'https://www.apitutor.org/yelp/simple/v3/businesses/search?location={0}&term={1}'.format(city, search_term)
    response = requests.get(url)
    restaurants = response.json()
    pprint(restaurants[0]) # for debugging
    return render_template(

It works very similarly to the code in exercise 3, except for it merges with the restaurant.html template (instead of dumping raw JSON data). Please try testing these routes by experimenting with the following URLs:

Note that the restaurant.html template uses a new construct – the “include” – as a way to modularize code.

Your Task

Modify the HTML in this template so that it displays the Yelp data in a more visual format. For instance, Sarah made her’s look like this:

Feel free to jazz up your template any way you like!

If you have more time, please also try the optional flask exercises. It will give you more practice to ensure that you feel comfortable with HW2!

1. Looping using Jinja

In exercise 4, you only showed a single restaurant. Look at the Jinja documentation and see if you can figure out how to output all of the matching restaurants for the search (not just the first one). See if you can make your template look like this one:

2. Includes

See if you can convert the HTML that shows a single restaurant card into an include file (similar to includes/header.html)

6. What to Turn In

To submit Lab 2:

1. Push all of your files to GitHub

Please copy the latest version of your files to GitHub by issuing the following commands:

git add .    # in case you created any new files
git commit -am 'Commiting my completed lab02 files'
git status   # to make sure that all of your files are being tracked
git push     # sends your files to GitHub

Paste a link to your webdev-labs GitHub repository into the Canvas textbox for Lab 2.

3. Answer the following question on Canvas

Below the link to your repo, in a brief reflective response (about 2-3 sentences per question), please consider the following questions: