CS396: Spring 2022

Intro to Web Development

CS396: Spring 2022

Assignments > Lab 4. Configuring Your REST API

Due on Fri, 04/22 @ 11:59PM. 5 Points.

Overview / Set Up

The goal of this week’s lab is to set up HW3 so that you’re ready to work on HW3 in class next Monday. This will involve completing the following three parts of Homework 3:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting everything up
  3. Background readings and concepts

Note: Everyone must have their own files working locally

If you are collaborating with a partner, it is important that both partners configure their computers to run the HW3 files locally. In subsequent submissions, we will ask that everyone submit a screenshot to demonstrate that you have successfully configured your computer so that the code runs. Please help your partner if they get stuck – this is a team effort!

What to turn in

Please submit the following screenshots / documents in a zip file to get credit for today’s lab:

Note: Please be proactive about resolving installation issues

If you run into issues installing the dependencies for HW3 (which is very common – not to worry!), it is important that you make a plan to resolve these issues as soon as possible (for your own benefit / stress level). For you to get full credit for this lab, you may have a few extra days (until Tuesday at midnight) to go to office hours and get things working. That said, we will be working through HW3 in class starting next week, so do make this a priority!