Schedule > Intro to Client-Side Web Programming
Week 4: Mon, Apr 19
Exercise Files
For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on client-side web programming, where the web browser will be our interpreter. In today’s lesson, we will review the three languages of client-side web programming – HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We will also go over the Document Object Model (DOM), including how to interact with it programmatically, using JavaScript. Finally, we will talk a bit about events and event handlers.
If you are new to HTML, please complete the assigned LinkedIn Learning videos. Please also do the readings on the DOM and client-side JavaScript events.
Lecture Video(s)
- Recorded Lecture Video (51:36)
HTML Resources.
CS 396 Course Website.
Please review the following sections:- HTML Resources
- Rules of Thumb
- Text Markup Tags
- Hyperlinks
- Image Tags
- Media Tags
- Compound Tags
- Form Tags
James Williamson
Playlist 1: Formatting Page Content with HTML
(HTML videos for your reference)
Please review the following sections:- Welcome
- The importance of HTML
- Basic HTML syntax
- Exploring an HTML document
- Using headings
- Formatting paragraphs
- Controlling line breaks
- Displaying images
- Exploring the anchor element
- Linking to pages within your site
- Linking to external pages
- Linking to regions
- Unordered lists
- Ordered lists
Introduction to the DOM.
Digital Ocean.
This article has some nice samples -
Introduction to the Document Object Model.
Mozilla (MDN).
For your reference -
Introduction to Events & Event Handlers.
Mozilla (MDN).
Nice overview with examples
- Tali Garsiel and Paul Irish (2011). How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers .