CS396: Spring 2021

Intro to Web Development

CS396: Spring 2021

Schedule > Intro to MongoDB & Mongoose

Week 3: Mon, Apr 12
Exercise Files

Today we will be discussing MongoDB, and how to interact with MongoDB from within your Node.js application using Mongoose.


Lecture Video(s)


  1. Introduction to MongoDB. MongoDB website.
    For your reference
  2. Vyas, Anshul (2018). Introduction to MVC.
    For your reference
  3. Ofoegbu, Victor (January, 2018). The only Node.js introduction you’ll ever need. codeburst.io.
    For your reference: nice Node.js tutorial + high-level overview
  4. Node.js standard library. Node Documentation.
    For your reference
  5. Accessing standard modules. LinkedIn Learning.
    For your reference
  6. Exporting custom modules. LinkedIn Learning.
    For your reference
  7. Creating a custom modules. LinkedIn Learning.
    For your reference

Mongoose Cheat Sheet

Mongoose is a Node.js library for interacting with MongoDB. Here are some useful guides / tutorials: