CS396: Spring 2021

Intro to Web Development

CS396: Spring 2021

Assignments > Lab 10. Final Project Presentations (Mandatory Attendance)

Due on Fri, 06/04 @ 11:59PM. 5 Points.


Your last tutorial of the quarter is REQUIRED and involves presenting your final presentations to the rest of your section. Please prepare a brief, 3-5 minute presentation that addresses the following prompts:

  1. What did you make and why did you make it (show live demo)?
  2. How did you make it?
  3. What work do you still have left to do?
  4. What would you do next if you had another month to work on it?
  5. What did you learn?

This is basically an opportunity for you to celebrate your accomplishments, share your project / ideas with others, and get some feedback. We realize that you’re all still working on the finishing touches of your final project, but we’d still like you to show your work-in-progress!

What to turn in